Thursday Evening Take Away.
for April 22nd we have:
Fillet of Cornish Hake with smoked salmon & wild garlic crust, lemon & parsley potatoes, buttered leeks and new season asparagus, white wine cream sauce.
only £10.50
Sunday Lunch Take Away.
for April 25th we have:
Roast Sirloin of Limousin beef, Yorkshire pudding, honey glazed parsnips, seasonal vegetables, beef dripping roasties and thyme roast gravy.
only £11.50.
Opening Hours for week commencing 19 th April
Monday: 4pm-9pm
Drinks only
Tuesday & Wednesday
Thursday: 4pm-9pm
Takeaway dinner 6.30pm-8pm
Friday: 12pm- til it’s too cold
Alfresco menu 12.30pm-5.30pm
Saturday: 12pm- til you can see your breath
Alfresco menu 12.30pm-5.30pm
Sunday 12pm-8pm
Takeaway Sunday Lunch 1pm-3pm
If you would like to book your meal, please call the pub on 01588 660265